Sunday, February 13, 2011

The BIG announcement!!

Feburary 13, 2011 was an exciting day, it was the day we planned to announce to our family we were pregnant. Earlier in the year (January 11) I told Andrew I was going to the store only to come back with a "my dad is the greatest" outfit.  Needless to say he was very excited about becoming a dad.  We then waited with torture until after my first doctor's appointment to tell the family. That morning we showed up at my mom and dad's house to drop Hook 'em off before church.  My sister goes to the evening service, so she was at home.  It was a special moment when we gave her a "Valentine's bag" to open and she discovered the oneies that announced "My Aunt's the Best" Hugs and congratulations were in order before we headed off to church.  We had to wait through the whole service in which I am sure neither one of us paid attention to the sermon because we were so excited.  Once we returned to my parent's house, Lisa and I took Bailey and put on the onesie I had made.  It said "This little monkey is going to be a cousin."  The plan had worked well because as we walked back in everyone wondered why her outfit was different as my dad grabbed her out of my arms.  I said "Well read what it says."  My dad tried to read it out loud, but didn't have his glasses on, eventually the meaning was pieced together and tears/congratulations were in order. Here are some fun pictures of the day.